f6d3264842 24 Sep 2018 ... Cloud storage taking up too much space? Try selective sync to exclude large files and folders on Dropbox and Google Drive.. I want to use Google Drive for my work, how can i make google drive stop syncing the folder 'node\_modules' ? I've tried to add.... I know this is an old question and "Google Drive" is now "Backup and Sync from Google", however it still applies. It took me a while to figure out .... 14 Apr 2016 ... Using Google Drive to sync your folders with your computer used to be an “all or nothing” scenario, and that would eat into your hard drive .... (To prevent accidentally losing files, I would create the folder in the ... Then use the Google Drive app to exclude that folder from syncing.. 14 Jul 2017 ... Backup and Sync not only syncs folders on your computer to Google Drive. It also can sync folders you have in Drive to your computer, so you .... The filters are applied for the copy , sync , move , ls , lsl , md5sum , sha1sum , size ... The patterns used to match files for inclusion or exclusion are based on “file ... This only works on remotes which have a concept of directory (Eg local, google drive, onedrive, .... rclone copy --files-from files-from.txt /home remote:backup.. 17 Sep 2018 ... Thanks to the improvements to Dropbox, Google… ... most importantly it has filters you can define on Including/Excluding folders or files filters.. 12 Sep 2017 ... At the right, click the folders you want to sync. To add a folder not on the list, click Choose folder.. Is there any way to exclude node_module folder from getting sync with Google Drive? If it's not possible with Google Backup and Sync, is there .... 14 Jun 2018 ... Google Drive lets you sync files on PCs, phones and Google's servers. ... or adding to my ever-expanding folder of recipes -- it makes it easy to share ... I wish Google would give me an option to exclude photos from my Recent list ... With Google's Backup and Sync app, you can back up the contents of your .... Select “Sync & Backup” tab; Select sync pair: Manage Sync Pair ... Click on Exclude folders from sync and de-select folders you do not want to be sync'd: Untick or de-select ... How to access cloudHQ dashboard from Gmail or Google account .... 15 Dec 2017 ... Google have updated their Backup and Sync app, adding much clamored for ... as well as making it simpler than ever to add new folders to sync with Drive. ... You can now also set the application to ignore files by extension, .... 13 Dec 2017 ... You can now right-click any folder and select Sync this folder to start ... On the flip side, you can specifically exclude files types from Backup & Sync in the ... You can grab the latest version of Backup & Sync from Google's site.. Unfortunately Google Backup and Sync (formerly Google Drive) does not ... a .gitignore file which can skip specific folders, files or extensions.. With most cloud folder sync apps (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) ... However, usually it cannot exclude certain files from being synced; mo. ... Is there a way to backup the files on an Android device in the same way I can .... 2 Nov 2018 ... How can I exclude folders in my Google drive from my Google photos app? ... Im a graphic designer, I like to backup important projects in Google drive but when I do all those pictures and icons ... Backup and Sync, Android.. One of the most powerful aspects of ChronoSync is the ability to define rules that determine which files should be scanned or ignored. Setting up rules can be a .... 21 Feb 2019 ... New to the Backup and Sync app from Google? ... When it comes to sync, you can sync all your Google Drive folders or selected folders to your computer ... You can even exclude certain file formats using the Advanced option.. 1 Apr 2018 ... Is there a way to exclude certain folders from being transferred, in either ... is that I want to sync my phones /sdcard/ folder onto my backup drive, ...